Thursday, June 24, 2010


So I've had Chipotle like, three times. And it was pretty good. It's nothing to get all hyped up about like everyone else does. It's not really a big deal. It's just a healthier version of Taco Bell, with more filling to it, and better not so processed ingredients in it. Eh. I like it. It's too expensive, though. I don't recommend it that much. Meh.

what i wanna learn bouttt? o.O


1. Trance music.
2. Dubstep.
3. Raves.
4. Europe culture.
5. Art.
6. 60's generation.
7. Psychedelic drugs.
8. Russian & Polish languages.
9. Fashion.
10. Cigarettes<3

childhood heroes..?

I honestly never had a childhood hero. I don't even know what my childhood hero would have been.. I'm pretty sure when I was 11 or 12, though, it was Eminem.. Ha ha ha. That's part of my childhood, I suppose. So I guess he can be my childhood hero. Since I can't even remember anything from years 1-11, anyway. Lol so Eminem was my childhood hero. Badass.

movie -_-

I literally saw the best movie ever this weekend. Aka Get Him To The Greek. Ha ha ha ha. Funniest movie ever. It has sick ass drug humor and everything else in it, but it's great. Russel Brand is pretty funny, too. And he has a badass accent. I wouldn't mind living his life, ha. But srsly. I loved that movie so much. And I recommend it like 10000% to everyone. Go see it!

summer planz.

So this summer my plans have been pretty straight. I've been to the beach, clubbing, partying, bonfires, and hanging out the whole time. It's actually been a pretty decent summer. I've barely been home. Soooo yeah. My summer is probably the bestest it's been so far. So ha. Beat that. K peace.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So uh I'm supposed to blog about the Blackhawks? I think they're pretty much the greatest team out there in America. And uh. Hockey is probably the least boring and best sport out there, as well. 'Cause every other sport is boring as hell. There's no point to them or skill in 'em. But yeah. Besides all that. I think the Hawks lost last night, which really blows. But they won all the games before that. So fricken' kudos to them. Yep. Go Hawks!


I think marijuana should be legalized. I personally don't smoke marijuana, but I used to. And I think it's good for the society because of the effects it has on people. Well. Yeah. It makes people happy. It can help you temporarily forget about problems that you have, and stuff that's on your mind. It's a good way to open up your mind to other things, and a way to bond with others. Also, they legalized medical marijuana cause they actually found good stuff in it.. So obviously marijuana ain't that bad. WHITE POWER. Ehem. Anyway. I think it's fine. It's not a bad drug it's a damn plant. And there's nothing wrong with plants. Marijuana's got good medical things going on in it, and it makes people feel good and whatnot. And it makes people sleepy and hungry, too. There's nothing wrong with that! So yeah. REALIZE & LEGALIZE.

top ten. -__-

1. Metallica
2. The Beatles
3. The Kinks
4. Judas Priest
5. Sublime
6. Led Zeppelin
7. Dio
8. Guns N Roses
9. Electric Light Orchestra
10. Eric Clapton